Oh Lover Boy


Franko B has achieved international acclaim with his performances involving cutting and bleeding, ritualising the pain inflicted on his body. But throughout his career Franko has also made sculptures and collages, which relate to his performances in their exploration of martyrdom, pleasure and sexuality. Oh Lover Boy looks at Franko's work from the ‘nineties onwards, and considers his objects alongside the more well-known performances. The book contains text by Sarah Wilson and an interview between the artist and Gray Watson.

Black Dog Publishing [London] (2001)

160 pages, 23.2 x 23.2 cm, colour images throughout

ISBN: 1901033821

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included works:

I Miss You >

Aktion 398 >

Mama I Can’t Sing >

Carving >

Relics >

Collages >

Neon >

Haute Couture >

related works:

Oh Lover Boy >

Oh Lover Boy: The Exhibition >

< all publications


Monograph with photographs by Manuel Vason and texts by Sarah Wilson and Gray Watson [Black Dog Publishing]


© 2015 Franko B and the contributors